Interim Management: Effective Solutions for Business Success

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Interim Management

The business world is changing at a very fast  pace, and companies are looking for  new ways to advance their operations to continue to be successful . In this process, companies   are looking for options  to access untapped talent sources, experienced and forward-thinking professionals who can competently lead the change process .

Some companies still choose to solve new challenges through their existing employees, but there is already a growing trend to envolve  senior interim managers, who present an essential resource for organizations looking to change direction or face unforeseen situations, as they bring significant knowledge and a specific set of skills to deliver quick and lasting results.

Interim Management is a temporary provision of resources and skills from a proven, highly qualified and widely experienced interim manager to lead the company through  a transition, crisis, or change to maximize the realization of its performance potential.

  • It is the delivery  of effective business solutions by an independent manager or executive over  a finite period of time.
  • These complex solutions can include change management, transformation and turnaround business improvement, crisis management, and strategy development.

Interim Managers typically often have experience across a range of  sectors and disciplines.

  • They bring qualified skills and expertise  to get started on assignments at short notice, without the constraints and overhead associated with permanent employment.
  • They consult, plan, advise, implement, and incorporate lessons, and then leave the organization, dealing with a range of key strategic and tactical interventions.
  • They operate  as “their own business”: they offer  independent expertise , free from corporate politics, and take responsibility for delivering results, not just for providing  advice.

Flexible, Independent, Versatile, and Highly Skilled

Interim Managers provide stability to a company after an exceptional situation or a sudden senior management departure and provide the specialized skills needed to generate the necessary change momentum and implement strategic initiatives.

In such situations, a permanent role may be unnecessary or difficult to find in a short period. Moreover, there may be no one internally suitable or available to fill the position in question.

Advantages of Interim Executive Managers

Highly qualified interim executive managers help you develop and execute practical strategies to successfully navigate the change process. They all have a solid track record of driving changes through complexity in a positive direction. The Interim Executive  Manager brings to the company:

  • Extensive operational experience
  • Knowledge of a specific industry, market, or country
  • Specific skills in a functional area
  • Proven experience in delivering results for similar types of assignments
  • Immediate availability

    A Complete Solution for Your Business Model

    Companies today recognize the many advantages that engaging  Interim Executive Managers brings to them. In  their journey towards competitive advantage and profitable growth, they are  increasingly moving towards the flexible use of the power of knowledge and experience.  Interim Executive Managers will manage current operations, develop improvement strategies, and implement them.

    They will have a professional approach, an innovative vision, and a verifiable track record of delivering multiple  similar projects. They provide the right solution for critical business challenges. They are committed to their role as short- or medium-term contributors , and their varied experience in critical situations gives them a strategic advantage when  dealing with new problems and challenges.

    Responsibilities of Executive Interim Managers

    Interim Executive  Managers are typically appointed to:

    • Manage a major change
    • Revitalize an  underperforming company, business unit, or manufacturing plant
    • Plan and implement a significant overhaul of an operational function (supply chain, planning, production, sales, marketing, finance, etc.)
    • Reduce operating costs, working capital, and improve efficiency and quality
    • Ensure profitable growth
    • Lead business expansion overseas

    Based on surveys  of  companies usinge Interim Executive Managers conducted by their respective associations, the top value adds for  Interim Executive Managers have been: leadership skills, delivering quick results, and working at the strategic level.

    Interim Executive Manager vs. Permanent Employee

    There is an important difference between a Permanent Employee and an Interim Executive  Manager. Hiring a permanent employee for a specific assignment  can be cost-ineffective and involves a lengthy process, including:

    • Executive search fee, often to be paid upfront;
    • A lengthy 3-6 month  selection process  with interviews and reference checks;
    • A 1-3 month resignation period  at their current employer with a significant risk that of the permanent employee will be attracted to another position during their resignation period;
    • Onboarding: with a permanent employee, you are looking for  a long-term cultural fit, not an immediate problem-solving solution;
    • Training: Often, you hire a candidate who fits the role at 70-80%, because there are other factors influencing your decision;
    • Trial period: Deadline for termination , labor

    In contrast, Interim Executive  Managers:

    • Have a proven and verified track record;
    • Are highly qualified for the project;
    • Are immediately available;
    • Are strategists, analysts, planners, and implementers aligned with your business objectives;
    • Are practical problem solvers and  more cost-effective to implement.
    • Will be on your team, focused on profitability and long-term growth;
    • Will  not be  in company politics;
    • Will not be building their “future position” within the company;
    • Will not be selling or offering additional related services.

      Need a Quick Response?

      Do you want a quick response to your company’s need for management capacity  to solve its main  challenges in record time? If this situation occurs at a time of management vacuum, or when current resources lack specific technical skills or have insufficient seniority levels, the intervention of an external manager with proven experience proves to be the right solution to enable effective change and a rapid return to profitable growth.

      CMC qualified Professionals  analyze the situation and propose a systematic solution that will lead  the company to a sustainable and profitable path.


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