Quick access to specialized management resources

Interim management is essentially a tool to accelerate changes by hiring experienced and qualified professionals to perform executive functions in project mode within organizations, in senior leadership positions when a company:

  • Faces challenges of business growth and expansion,
  • Experiences financial stress and declining profitability,
  • Needs management of transitions in digital transformation, reorganizations, restructurings, acquisitions, crisis intervention, or temporary replacements.

How our Interim Management solution can enhance your business results

If any of these situations occur during a management vacuum or when current resources lack specific technical competencies or sufficient seniority, the intervention of an external manager with proven experience proves to be the right solution to enable effective change and a swift return to profitable growth.

Qualified professionals from CMC analyze the situation and propose a systematic solution that leads the company towards a sustainable and profitable trajectory.

Do you need a quick response to your company’s management capacity needs to solve your key challenges in record time?

Our working model – Roadmap to Success


Establishing collaboration between the client, managing partner at CMC, and the interim manager


Define the scope and objectives, Shares the challenges, Provides resources, Support

Managing Partner at CMC

Customer engagement, clarification of objectives, coaching, mentoring, counseling, evaluation and control, communications

Interim Manager

Relevant knowledge, operational responsibility, diagnosis, action plan, execution leadership, transfer plan


Institutionalization of actions and execution of transfer, measuring results and monitoring goal achievement, project closure agreement

CMC has been working with entrepreneurs to scale and generate value in their businesses since 2011.

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What We Do

Business Entry and Expansion in Brazil

Business Management

Process Managemen

Interim Management


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Contact our team now and discover the ideal solution to achieve your company's goals.

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